Part ThreeThe MessengersThis section is designed to provide the reader with general information about the authors whose references and information I used in the first part of Project Open Mind. I was not always able to obtain personal information about the authors and in those cases, I included more information about their books or research instead. Bain, Donald. The Control of Candy Jones. Chicago, Illinois: Playboy Press, (Distributed by Simon & Schuster, Inc. New York) 1976. Jacket Highlights - "Beautiful and talented, Candy Jones was America's leading model of the Forties and Fifties. In one month, she was on the cover of 11 magazines and featured in a smash Broadway play. Then she fell on hard times. In 1960, she relates, she was financially receptive to a CIA approach that she act as a courier. She asserts that she served the agency for 12 years. This is Candy's own story of those tumultuous years, recreated from tapes made while she was under deep hypnosis....It was while under hypnosis that Candy told of being used as a human guinea pig in a CIA mind-control program. This chilling story was drawn from over 200 hours of tapes recorded during Candy's trances." "Under hypnosis, Candy relates how a CIA physician split her psyche into two distinct personalities, giving him two women within one body to do his bidding. She tells of traveling to Taiwan where she was physically tortured; of being put on display at the agency's headquarters; of being driven to the brink of suicide during an attempt to silence her....recent disclosures of CIA mind-control experiments make her story undeniably plausible...."
Bamford, James. The Puzzle Palace. Sidgwick and Jackson: London, 1983. From Timothy Good's Above Top Secret, page 416: "In 1982 a sensational book by James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace, revealed a wealth of hitherto secret information about the NSA - an agency so secret that it was sometimes referred to as "No Such Agency." Although Bamford's book did not mention UFOs, if you want more information about the NSA and their involvement with UFOs, I highly recommend that you read Timothy Good's Above Top Secret.
Begich, Nicholas J. and Jeane Manning. Angels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology. Homer, Alaska: Earthpulse Press, 1995. From HAARP: "Dr. Nick Begich, eldest son of the late United States Congressman from Alaska, Nick Begich Sr., and political activist Pegge Begich, is known in Alaska for his own activities. He is a past-president of the Alaska Federation of Teachers and the Anchorage Council of Education. He has been pursuing independent research in the sciences and politics for most of his adult life. He received his doctorate in traditional medicine from The Open International University for Complementary Medicines in November 1994. He wrote the first major story on the HAARP project, published in October, 1994, in Nexus, an international magazine based in Australia. His research files on the project and related technologies include more than 400 documents spanning eighty years of technological developments." "Jeane Manning is an experienced magazine journalist, reporter for daily newspapers and former editor of a community newspaper. A decade of researching non-conventional electrical energy technologies will culminate in her book The Coming Energy Revolution (Avery Publishing Group, NY, 1996). She is co-author of a 1994 book published by Auckland Institute of Technology Press, New Zealand, Suppressed Inventions and other Discoveries. Having been born in Cordova, Alaska, she tracked HAARP with deep interest. She now lives in Vancouver, Canada." "The U.S. Government has a new ground-based "Star Wars" weapon which is being tested in the remote bush country of Alaska. This new system manipulates the environment in a way which can: 1) Disrupt human mental processes, 2) Jam all global communications systems, 3) Change weather patterns over large areas, 4) Interfere with wildlife migration patterns, 5) Negatively affect your health, and 6) Unnaturally impact Earth's upper atmosphere." For more information about HAARP go to:
Bowart, Walter H. Operation Mind Control: Our Secret Government's War Against Its Own People. New York, New York: Dell Publishing Company, 1978. From Operation Mind Control - "Walter Bowart was born in Omaha, Nebraska, in 1939. He was awarded a McMahon Scholarship in journalism to the University of Oklahoma, and in 1965 he founded the New York weekly The East Village Other and was its editor for four years. Since that time he has been a publisher and free-lance writer whose articles have appeared in many magazines. Mr. Bowart lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife and three children." Walter Bowart currently heads the Freedom of Thought Foundation, "a non-profit corporation dedicated to the education of the public about mind control in all its forms...It is supported solely by the donations of individuals, and through sales of [their] books, facsimiles, tapes, and memberships....Membership in the Freedom of Thought Foundation is not designed to fulfill the needs of the idly curious, but rather for the serious researcher and activist." An expanded and revised edition of Operation Mind Control is now available: P.O. Box 35072, Tucson, Arizona, 85740; I highly recommend anyone who is interested in the subject of mind control to read Operation Mind Control.
Cannon, Martin. The Controllers: A New Hypothesis of Alien Abduction. In 1989 Martin Cannon came forward with a bold new hypothesis for alien abduction: "The 'UFO abduction' phenomenon might be a continuation of clandestine mind control operations." Martin Cannon continues, "I recognize the difficulties this thesis might present to those readers emotionally wedded to the extraterrestrial hypothesis, or to those whose political 'weltanshauung' disallows any such suspicions. Still, the open-minded student of abductions should consider the possibilities." Many people have recommended The Controllers to me as a positive contribution that includes many new possibilities concerning the alien abduction phenomenon. Martin Cannon's monograph can be found in the "Archives Section" at
Carpenter, John. "The Reality of the Abduction Phenomenon" (Revised 1992) and "The Significance of Multiple Participant Abductions" (1996). Springfield, MO: self-published. John Carpenter is a licensed clinical social worker with
the Center for Neuropsychiatry in Springfield, Missouri. Mr.
Carpenter has followed reports of UFOs for thirty years. As
the National Director of Abduction Research for MUFON, he
has conducted numerous seminars for mental health
professionals and has worked with over 100 abductees. John
Carpenter writes a regular column in the MUFON UFO Journal
titled "Abduction Notes." Mr. Carpenter has several
publications and videos about the abduction phenomenon
available for purchase. For more information contact:
Constantine, Alex. Psychic Dictatorship In The U.S.A. Portland, Oregon: Feral House, 1995. Jacket Highlights - "Bombing minds rather than bodies is the warfare of the new millennium. Alex Constantine's explosive book uncovers the terrifying extent of electromagnetic and biotelemetric mind control experimentation on involuntary human subjects in America today. Funded under the euphemism of "Non-Lethal Technology," the Pentagon has developed the ability to transmit voices, and inflict pain, madness, even death..." "Alex Constantine is the author of Blood, Carnage and the Agent Provocateur...and also contributes to L.A. Weekly, Hustler, and Prevailing Winds magazine."
Friedman, Stanton T. and Don Berliner. Crash At Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-up of a UFO. New York, New York: Paragon House, 1992. From Crash At Corona - "Stanton T. Friedman is a nuclear physicist who has worked for General Electric, Westinghouse, and other companies in the design and development of fusion rockets and nuclear power plants for space applications. He has lectured on UFOs for more than six hundred colleges and dozens of professional groups across the country, has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs, including Nightline and Unsolved Mysteries, and is acknowledged as the premier investigator of the 'Roswell Incident.' " "Don Berliner is the author of hundreds of articles and nineteen books on aviation and space. Formerly a staff writer for the National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena, he is a founder and executive committee member of the non-profit Fund for UFO Research."
Fuller, John. G. The Interrupted Journey. New York, New York: Dial Press, 1966. From Interrupted Journey - "John G. Fuller, who researched and wrote Barney and Betty Hill's story, is the author of the best seller Incident at Exeter, a study of UFO sightings in New Hampshire. His previous non-fiction includes Gentlemen Conspirators and The Money Changers. From 1957 to 1966 he wrote the well-known 'Trade Winds' column for the Saturday Review."
Good, Timothy. Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up. New York, New York: William Morrow, 1988. From Timothy Good's Alien Contact: Top Secret UFO Files Revealed. New York, New York: William Morrow, 1991. "Timothy Good first became interested in UFOs in 1955. Now regarded as a top authority he has broadcast and lectured on the subject throughout the world, and has conducted extensive investigations in the United States for many years. Timothy Good is also a professional violinist and was a member of the London Symphony Orchestra for fourteen years. Nowadays he is involved in free-lance session work for films, television, and recordings with pop musicians. In 1980 he was elected to the Royal Society of Musicians." [Both of his books cover information specific to the cover-up of the UFO phenomenon and are highly recommended.]
Hickson, Charles and William Mendez. UFO Contact at Pascagoula. Gautier, Mississippi: Hickson & Mendez, 1983. From Contact at Pascagoula - "Mr. Hickson graduated from high school and attended...junior college. He was raised on a farm, but became interested in carpenter work and then cabinet making. He spent 8 or 9 years [probably more] as a ship builder and ship fitter, working eventually as a supervisor...He is also a certified welder and burner. Mr. Hickson is married and has three children and one step-child....William Mendez is a college professor at a mid-western university." "On the night of October 11, 1973, two very frightened Mississippians, Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker, presented themselves [to] the Jackson County Sheriff's Department and related a tale almost too incredible to also occurred to them that what they had just suffered might be the prelude to a full-scale invasion of their country." "Within 36 hours of [their abduction] Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the world's foremost UFO expert, was in Pascagoula to interview the men. Before he left the next day he told the press that the men were 'absolutely honest....They have had a fantastic experience.' "
Keyhoe, Donald E. (Major USMC, Retired) Flying Saucers From Outer Space. New York, New York: Henry Holt And Company, Inc., 1953. Keyhoe, Donald E. (Major USMC, Retired) The Flying Saucer Conspiracy. New York, New York: Henry Holt And Company, Inc., 1955. Keyhoe, Donald E. (Major USMC, Retired) Aliens From Space: The Real Story of Unidentified Flying Objects. Garden City, New York: DoubleDay And Company, Inc., 1973. From Aliens From Space - "Major Donald E. Keyhoe, USMC Ret., is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, the Marine Corps Officers School, and the Naval Aviation Training Station in Pensacola. His articles on aviation, espionage, UFOs, and other subjects have been published in such magazines as National Geographic, Saturday Evening Post, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, True, This Week, and The American Weekly." "Major Keyhoe is also the author of six previous books, including the best-selling Flying Saucers, The Flying Conspiracy, and Flying Saucers from Outer Space which are generally recognized as the best documented and rational works on the subject. He also lectures extensively on UFOs and has appeared on hundreds on TV and radio programs." [Major Keyhoe's other books include, M-Day, Flying with Lindbergh, and The Flying Saucers Are Real.] The following are excerpts from a letter to Major Keyhoe's publishers from the Air Force. The letter is printed on the back cover of Flying Saucers From Outer Space. [Second paragraph] "We in the Air Force recognize Major Keyhoe as a responsible, accurate reporter. His long association and cooperation with the Air Force, in our study of unidentified flying objects, qualifies him as a leading civilian authority on this investigation." [Fourth Paragraph] "The Air Force, and its investigating agency, "Project Bluebook," are aware of Major Keyhoe's conclusion that the "Flying Saucers" are from another planet. The Air Force has never denied that this possibility exists....if the apparently controlled maneuvers reported by many competent observers are correct, then the only remaining explanation is the interplanetary answer." - The letter was signed "Very Truly Yours, Albert M. Chop, Air Force Press Desk."
Lammer, Helmut: Dr. Lammer is a scientist with the Austrian Space Research Institute. He is the Austrian representative for the Mutual UFO Network and a member of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE). Dr. Lammer has written two books previously. He co-authored UFO Secrecy with Oliver Sidla (Herbig: Munich) in 1995. UFO Secrecy covers information about the world wide UFO cover-up, including: recovered saucers, animal mutilations, abductions and secret documents. The book's Foreword is written by Illobrand v. Ludwiger, a theoretical physicist and the director of MUFON-CES. Dr. Lammer's second book was also co-authored by Oliver Sidla. It is titled UFO-Close Encounters. (Herbig, Munich, 1996). The Foreword for UFO-Close Encounters is written by Jacques Valle. The book covers information about verifiable UFO events, physical effects, military encounters, radar signals, and photo and video analysis. I have included Dr. Lammer in this section because he will soon be publishing his third book which will cover alien abductions, mind control experiments and high-tech weapons. It is scheduled to be published in the Autumn of 1997. His current working title is Psychotronics. Although his book will be published in German, I have invited Dr. Lammer to write a synopsis for us (in English) and I will post it to my web site this Winter '96. Hopefully his work will gain recognition in the United States and will eventually be published in English. I am very grateful to Dr. Lammer for sending me a copy of Cybergods, information about the Carp case and several collections of writings relating to the subject of mind control. His many questions about my case are what initiated my investigation into the subject of mind control. If you believe that you have had involvement with the alien/military-government subject that is covered in Project Open Mind, please write to: Dr. Helmut Lammer, MUFON-CES, Postfach 76, A-8600 Bruck/Mur, Austria.
Lee, Martin A. and Bruce Shlain. Acid Dreams: The CIA, LSD and the Sixties Rebellion. New York, New York: Grove Press, 1985. From Acid Dreams - "Martin Lee is an investigative journalist whose articles have appeared in Rolling Stone, The Nation and other magazines. He is the winner of four Hopwood Awards. Bruce Shlain is a Hopwood award winner whose articles have appeared in Mother Jones and the Dictionary of Literary Biography. He currently writes for television and film." "Few events have had a more profound impact on the upheavals of the sixties than the psychedelic revolution spawned by the spread of LSD. Here is the full astounding story - part of it hidden in secret Government files - of the role the mind-altering drug played in our turbulent history and its continuing influence today." "Acid Dreams is the complete social history of the psychedelic counter-culture that burst into full view in the Sixties. The authors reveal how the CIA became obsessed with LSD during the Cold War until the drug spread into popular culture." Cybergods is a representation of the significantly more extensive Computer-Brain Report. The following is a statement printed at the end of the Cybergods pamphlet: "The case studies and the x-ray evidence in this paper are just a small part of the material [showing] that the police in remand centres and psychiatrists in mental hospitals put internees under sedation to facilitate the implantation of radio-transmitting materials in their head and brains. There is also a more comprehensive study which shows that surgeons implant these objects in patients during operations. We who have participated in the investigations are not only releasing all the material to public disposal, but are also offering to give lectures and take part in radio and television programs, or anything else which is suggested."
Lindqvist, Lennart, Evamarie Taylor and Robert Naeslund
participated in the investigation for the material contained
in Cybergods. Grupen, Box 136, 114 79, Stockholm,
Mack, John E. Abduction: Human Encounters With Aliens. New York, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1994. From Abduction - "John E. Mack, M.D., is professor of psychiatry at The Cambridge Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and founding director of the Center for Psychology and Social Change. His earlier books include the 1977 Pulitzer Prize-winning A Prince of our Disorder, a biography of T.E. Lawrence. He lives in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts." Dr. Mack has investigated over 100 cases of alien abduction and "has conducted hundreds of hours of interviews and treatment. He takes his clients' accounts seriously, and in Abduction he makes clear why he believes their testimony may transform the foundations of human thought as profoundly as did Copernicus's proof that the Earth is not the center of the universe." Dr. Mack is also the Director of PEER: Program for Extraordinary Experience Research which recently began publishing a journal titled PEER Perspectives. PEER is a project of the Center for Psychology and Social Change. For more information contact PEER at: 617.497.2667 or Fax 617.497.0122.
Marks, John D. The Search For "The Manchurian Candidate." New York, New York: Times Books, 1979. [Trade Paper Edition: W.W. Norton & Company, 1991]. From the Introduction - John Marks graduated from Cornell University and joined the Foreign Service in 1965. "Classified 1A by his local draft board two years later, Marks volunteered for State Department duty in Vietnam, where he spent 18 months working in the pacification program....By the middle of [1968] Marks was back in Washington where he was assigned as a staff assistant to the director of Intelligence and Research." Certain actions taken by the United States during the war led Marks to quit the State Department. He then became a Senator's aide. John Marks eventually teamed up with "a dissident CIA officer named Victor Marchetti" and they co-wrote and published The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence [New York: Knopf] in 1974. It was "the first substantial work on the American intelligence community since The Invisible Government by David Wise and Thomas B. Ross published in 1965." "The heart of the narrative [for The Search for "The Manchurian Candidate"] is based on 16,000 pages of [government] documents" as well as "interviews with psychologists and CIA officials, including one helpful Agency veteran they called 'Deep Trance.' "
Randle, Kevin D. The UFO Casebook. New York, New York: Warner Books, 1989. Randle, Kevin D. and Donald R. Schmitt. The Truth About The UFO Crash At Roswell. New York, New York: M. Evans and Company, Inc., 1994. From Roswell - "Kevin D. Randle, a captain in the U.S. Air Force Reserve, brings military intelligence training to his work as an investigative journalist. Currently a special investigator for the Center for UFO Studies, he has spent more than twenty years studying the UFO phenomenon and is considered one of the foremost experts in the field. A respected author, Randle has written three books and more than fifty magazine articles on UFOs. He is a frequent guest on television and radio shows about extraterrestrial sightings. When he's not traveling, Randle lives in Iowa with his wife, Debbie." Restak, Richard M., The Brain: The Last Frontier. New York, New York: Warner Books, 1979. Richard M. Restak, M.D. is a neurologist and the author of the PBS series The Brain. "Restak, even more sharply than Sagan, puts into provocative focus what has been learned by psychologists, biologists and other scientists...he makes clear the true difference between computer 'thinking' and human thought: the mystery which some call soul." - Publishers Weekly
Rowell, Keith. "Keith's Oregonian Articles." Keith Rowell laboriously retyped about 40 stories covering UFO sightings that occurred from June 26, 1947 to July 9, 1947. The stories were taken from The Oregonian, and a now defunct daily, The Oregon Journal. The Oregonian today, as it was then, is the major daily newspaper in Oregon, published in Portland. Most of the stories are from The Oregonian with a few from The Oregon Journal. Keith is relatively certain that these are all of the UFO stories from The Oregonian for this time frame. Keith Rowell is a veteran researcher of government secrecy and the UFO phenomenon. It is from his private library that I was able to obtain most of the references I used for this article. Always eager to educate those willing to keep an open mind, Keith generously loaned me a stack of books to get me started in my new quest for answers. He was also very helpful in editing my book, The Alien Jigsaw and I am very grateful for his generosity. Mr. Rowell holds a masters degree in library science from the University of California at Berkeley. He is a former MUFON investigator and member of the Portland UFO Group. He joined the board of directors when the group reorganized as The Northwest UFO Group in 1991, and served as co-director during 1995 and 1996. Keith is now volunteering his time (between work and family) to assist our local MUFON organization.
Scheflin, Alan W. and Edward M. Opton, Jr., The Mind Manipulators. New York, New York: Paddington Press LTD, 1978. From The Mind Manipulators - "Alan W. Scheflin holds a B.A. from the University of Virginia, a J.D. from the George Washington University School of Law and an LL.M. from the Harvard Law School. He has taught at Georgetown University, the University of Southern California and is presently an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Santa Clara." "Edward M. Opton, Jr., is a graduate of Yale and Duke (Psychology) and holds a J.D. from the University of California, Berkeley. From 1963 to 1977 he did psychophysiological and social psychological research at the University of California and the Wright Institute, Berkeley." Schrag, Peter. Mind Control. New York, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978. From Mind Control - "Peter Schrag lived in Europe until he was ten, and came to New York as a refugee in 1941. Educated at Amherst, he returned to teach American studies there after several years of working as a reporter. He has been an editor of both the Saturday Review and Change magazine, and was also contributing editor to MORE, a journalism review. His diverse career has included teaching at the University of California at Berkeley, and serving on the editorial boards of Social Policy and Columbia Forum." Peter Schrag is also the author of several books including The Myth of the Hyperactive Child, The Decline of the WASP, and The End of the American Future.
Spanos, Nicholas P., Patricia A. Cross, Kirby Dickson, and Susan D. DuBreuil. "Close Encounters: An Examination of UFO Experiences." Journal of Abnormal Psychology 102 (1993): 624-631. Abstract: "Ss (subjects) who reported UFO experiences were divided into those whose experiences were non intense (e.g., seeing lights and shapes in the sky) and those whose experiences were intense (e.g., seeing and communicating with aliens or missing time). On a battery of objective tests Ss in these 2 groups did not score as more psychopathological, less intelligent, or more fantasy prone and hypnotizable than a community comparison group or a student comparison group. However, Ss in the UFO groups believed more strongly in space alien visitation than did comparison Ss. The UFO experiences of Ss in the intense group were more frequently sleep-related than the experiences of Ss in the non-intense group. Among the combined UFO Ss, intensity of UFO experiences correlated significantly with inventories that assessed proneness toward fantasy and unusual sensory experiences. Implications are discussed."
Turner, Karla. Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda. Roland, Arkansas: Kelt Works, 1994. Karla Kandace Turner, Ph.D., earned her B.A. from California State University, her M.A. from the University of Nottingham in England, and her Ph.D. in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas. She taught in private secondary education for two years and for over a decade was a university teaching fellow and instructor at a major Texas university. Dr. Turner began investigating the abduction phenomenon full-time in 1988. She published her first book on the subject (about her and her family's abduction experiences) Into The Fringe: A True Story of Alien Abduction, in 1992. Dr. Turner's last book was Masquerade of Angels. Sadly, shortly after it was published Karla found out she had breast cancer. After a fierce battle, the disease took her life in January of 1996. She was 48 years old. Karla's books are available by writing to: Kelt Works, P.O. Box 32, Roland, Arkansas, 72135.
Wilson, Katharina. The Alien Jigsaw. Portland, Oregon: Puzzle Publishing, 1993, and The Alien Jigsaw Researcher's Supplement, 1994. In 1987, Katharina Wilson read her first book about the UFO phenomenon titled Intruders by Budd Hopkins. Her memories prompted her to fill out the Omni magazine questionnaire titled "Hidden Memories: Are You an Abductee?" In response to the questionnaire and other information sent to him [parts of her journal that she began in 1983] Budd Hopkins conducted a telephone interview with Katharina, followed by subsequent investigation and two regressive hypnosis sessions in 1988. This was followed by an investigation by MUFON. Shortly thereafter she began working with [the late] Dan C. Overlade, Ph.D. He was a clinical and forensic psychologist with over thirty years experience, and a MUFON consultant. Ms. Wilson had three sightings of unidentified flying objects in 1988. Two involved a boomerang-shaped craft and the other involved six, brilliant white lights. The following year she joined the Mutual UFO Network and became a field investigator trainee, and later a MUFON State Section Director. Katharina Wilson has a degree in music and a background in psychology. She has lectured extensively throughout the United States and was the editor for Oregon MUFON's The Oregon Observer for 1995 and 1996. Katharina continues to research and write about the UFO-alien abduction phenomenon. # # # This completes Part Three of Project Open Mind. The following section, Part Four, contains the "Notes" for the preceding sections. The second half of Project Open Mind will begin with Part Five and will cover specific abduction related information from my books and unpublished journals. I plan to have it posted December 1, 1996. ©1993-1996 Katharina Wilson. All Rights Reserved. Puzzle Publishing, PO Box 230023, Portland, Oregon, 97281-0023, USA. The preceding is reproduced with permission of the Author. Permission is given to reproduce and redistribute in printed form, for non-commerical purposes only, provided the information and the copy remain intact and unedited. |
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